
Glee Club Matters.

One of the results of the prestige gained by the Glee Club from its success during the Western tour has been a stream of invitations from people in neighboring towns. The club has accepted some of these and has others under consideration. A concert will be given in Quincy, February 15, under the auspices of the Quincy Tennis Club; another will be given in Newton, Feb. 20. The managers of the latter concert have promised to give $150 of the proceeds to the 'varisty crew. An invitation has been received by the club to sing in the Town Hall, Brookline, for the benefit of the building fund of the Christian Union. The invitation will probably be accepted if a satisfactory date can be found. Those who have in charge the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Harvard Dental School, which occurs early in March, have asked the Glee Club to sing at the dinner to be held at the Vendome.

The club will begin regular work again directly after the mid-years. As a number of the members of the club will be unable to sing during the second half-year, it is probable that to fill their places a trial of candidates will be held in the near future.
