
The Freshman Glee Club.

The members of the Freshman Glee Club have been practicing faithfully for some weeks, and the prospects of a good club seem to be very fair. With the exception of the pianist, the permanent officers of the club were chosen at the beginning of the term. Before that time the unsettled state of the organization, and the knowledge that the officers were elected only for the time being, made it impossible for the club to have regular times for rehearsals, and, therefore, precluded the possibility, of its rapid progress. At present there are about thirty or forty candidates for positions on the club. It is designed to make the permanent membership of the club limited to twenty-five men, and during the next few weeks, it will be necessary for several candidates to drop from the organization. It has been decided to hold no regular rehearsals during the mid-years, but instead of these the club will be divided into quartets which will sing occasionally before members of the 'Varsity Glee Club who have kindly expressed their willingness to give the freshmen every aid in their power. By this means, it can easily be determined who should be and who should not be members of the permanent organization. The club has secured Roberts Hall to practice in, and after the mid-years, regular rehearsals will be held twice a week
