
Growth of Cornell.

During the past year Cornell University has increased wonderfully, both in point of numbers, there being 1114 students in attendance this year against 1010 last, and also in point of faculties for instruction. The corps of instructors has been strengthened by the appointment of professors of political economy, horticulture, electrical engineering, and an assistant professor of Greek. Two large buildings which are in process of erection will soon be ready for occupation, one the Christian Association Hall, presented by the late A. S. Barnes, and the other a building for the department of civil engineering and architecture. The foundations have been laid for a new library to cost about $200,000, and an appropriation of $80,000 for a new chemical laboratory has recently been made. The number of students taking courses in physics and electrical engineering is so large that an entire building is required for this department, and the Sibley College of Mechanical Arts is so full that the college authorities have found it necessary to limit the number of students to one hundred from each class. The Greek department has been thoroughly reorganized, and the department of agriculture now appears as the College of Agriculture. Besides all these changes a class in Journalism in all its details has been established.

Cornell is one of the wealthiest universities in the country, and if she received the Fiske estate, amounting to several millions, she will probably have a heavier endowment than any other institution of learning in America.
