
Clark University.

When it was announced last year that Mr. Clark intended to establish and endow a university in Worcester, Mass., a great deal of anxiety amongst the officers of the leading New England colleges was the result. Newspapers also took up the matter, and the current opinion was that Mr. Clark could have made a better disposition of his wealth by giving it to some college or university already well-established, than by founding a new university. Again some leading educators said that it was not fair to Amberst, nor to Brown, nor in fact to Harvard, to establish a new university so near these other colleges. However, since the plans of Mr. Clark and his colleagues have become known, public opinion has already changed sides in this matter, and all now agree that Mr. Clark's project is an excellent one. The plans have not yet been perfected. Nevertheless, from their present condition, it is easy to conclude that Clark University will soon be one of the leading educational institutions in the country. In the first place no academic courses will be held at Clark University, at least not during the first few years. If, later on, it becomes advisable to hold such courses, the necessary steps will be taken. The students will be graduates of other colleges, and will go to Clark University to take advanced courses in mental and physical science, instead of going to German universities as is the present custom. The object is thus to establish an American university which will be able to vie with European ones.

Probably the scope and purpose of this institution cannot be better described than in the words of President Hyde, of Bowdoin College, in the last number of the Atlantic Monthly: "It is the province of the university to take men who have the drill of the academy and the breadth of view which the college gives, and help them to carry forward self-chosen lines of special study to the limits of the world's attained knowledge, and on into regions yet unexplored. Not the teaching how to walk, nor yet the easy and rapid journeying along the beaten paths of knowledge, but the exploration of fields remote from the main lines of ordinary travel and the surveying of new territory, is the function of the university."

Clark University will open next October. The buildings are rapidly approaching completion, and everything is expected to be in readiness towards the beginning of September. President Hall, formerly of Johns Hopkins, is now in Europe in the interests of the university, and the names of the other members of the faculty will in all probability be announced in the near future.
