Many papers have lately hinted at the possibility of an application from the Holy Cross nine for admittance to some college league, probably the Intercollegiate or the College League. The manager of the team, however, denies that Holy Cross cares for such membership. The college wills, as usual, be represented on the ball field as an independent club, playing with whatever teams it sees fit. The club's strong point last year was the work of its battery, both members of which are no longer in college. The nine will shortly begin practice in the gymnasium, which is fitted with all the appliances for such work, including a cage.
An enthusiastic meeting of the men interested in baseball was held at Brown University last week and a large sum was subscribed for the expenses of a nine. A new grand stand is among the possible improvements in the grounds, while the field is to be regarded and enclosed by a fence. The nine will not enter any college league, but will arrange games with all college teams.
The leading amateur club of this State, the Beacons, will probably be unable to put a nine in the field next season. The loss of this club will be felt here at Harvard, as the club has, in past years, been one of the 'varsity nine's best opponents.
The managers of the University of Pennsylvania nine have succeeded in raising a loan of $4000 for the erection of a baseball cage. The cage is to be 220 feet long by 110 feet wide and about fifty feet high. The nine will begin practicing some time in February.
The ball fever has struck Wesleyan, and strong efforts are being made to place a good representative team in the field this season. Wesleyan has never been active in this branch of athletics, but a new are appears to have dawned. The gymnasium is to be enlarged 75 feet, the space to be devoted to a cage for the practice of the nine. John Morrill of the Boston nine has been offered the position of coach, but it is offered the position of coach, but it is doubtful if he accepts.
The candidates for the Harvard nine will begin gymnasium work the first Monday in February.
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