
Princeton Scientific Expedition.

A scientific expedition is to be sent from Princeton next summer to collect fossil skeletons for the museum and to gather specimens for the benefit of the departments of geology and paleontology. Professors Scott and Osborn will lead the expedition and will be assisted by eight students, chosen from the junior and senior classes. If there are more than eight applications, the assistants will be selected by a competitive examination.

Professor Scott has already made five trips to the West with the same object, and but few districts of interest remain to be explored. The Bad Lands of Eastern Oregon will be visited on this trip. The country is somewhat mountainous, covered with sage brush, and will afford good shooting to any members of the party who wish to stay until October. It is intended to start on Commencement night and to return in time for the opening of the college in September.

Although the expedition will afford much enjoyment to the members, yet a definite object is in view, and a certain amount of hard work must be done. The uncertainty in regard to the cost of transportation renders it impossible to state exactly the cost per man of the trip. It will, however, not exceed $400, and probably will be nearer $300. The State government will give guns, blankets and saddles to those who wish them, and the National government has given Professor Scott a letter which enables him to buy provisions at a reduced rate from any army post near which the expedition may be encamped.
