
Officers of the Senior Class at Columbia.

The following officers were elected from the senior class at Columbia last week:

Remsen Johnson, chairman; W. Shillaber, Jr., historian; E. Bright, Jr., poet; H. L. Glover, orator; R. L. Cutting, Jr., prophet; Hammond Odell, presentation orator. The members of the committee who are to have charge of Class Day exercises are R. Johnson, W. J. Barlow, E. Bright, Jr., G. D. Mumford, N. Wilde, W. V. King, and T. W. Thatcher. The Commencement committee consists of G. T. Donnell, C. K. Beckman, H. Odell, and W. R. Pratt from the School of Arts, with three from the Mines to be elected. The marshal for Commencement will also be elected by the "Miners."

The seniors expect to have an entertainment about the first of March to liquidate their class debt. The committee in charge is G. D. Mumford, W. J. Barlow, H. Odell, W. V. King, T. W. Thacher, and H. L. Cutting.
