In the men's furnishing department: Dent's gloves, arctics, rubber boots and shoes, bath towels all sizes, skates, hockey sticks, umbrellas, and a full line of gymnasium goods and E. and W. collars and cuffs, latest shape.
During the remainder of the year there will be bargains in books. Some book or set of books will be offered at an unusually low price for one day only.
Lalor's Cyclopedia of Political Science, Political Economy and United States History; three vols. $18.00.
The perfect or patent pen guage inkstand is what every one needs. The ink is stored in a rubber pouch enclosed in a neat glass frame or stand. The construction is such that turning a thumb screw on the top of the inkstand forces up a steel saucer kept beneath the rubber ink pouch, bringing into sight in a glass cube or dipping cup just the amount of ink needed.
A rubber stopper keeps the ink clean and fresh for any length of time.
These inkstands are now much reduced in price, and a good assortment is on hand in the stationery department.
Three-hour blue-books of an extra quality at 35 cents a dozen.
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