The annual meeting of the Intercollegiate BaseBall Association was to have been held Saturday morning at the Parker House, but owing to the late arrival of the Yale delegation it was postponed until evening. The colleges in the league were represented as follows: Princeton. King and Hall; Yale, Noyes, Rogers and Calhoun; Harvard, Willard and McCoy. Mr. J. G. Rogers of Yale was elected president of the association. The championship for 1888 was formally awarded to Yale without protest. A schedule of games for the coming season were drawn up and will be announced later. The playing rules of the National League were adopted with three exceptions. The old rule on fouls is to be retained, The batter being out when a foul is caught on the fly: a batsman hit by a pitched hall is not to be allowed his base, and the tenth man clause is struck out. The session was very short and was satisfactory and harmonious in every respect.
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Amherst-Williams vs. Dartmouth.