
Fact and Rumor.

Blue books for Greek B are to be handed in today.

The president and fellows of Harvard College have petitioned for leave to sell or otherwise dispose of real estate held by it when not otherwise stipulated by the devisee.

There will be an important meeting of the CRIMSON board today at 1.30.

C. C. Batchelder, '89, has been elected a member of the Conference Francaise.

J. M. Hallowell, L. S., has been appointed proctor of the north entry of Matthews.


Rev. George A. Gordon addressed the Sunday evening meeting at Yale last evening.

The whole class in N. H. 1 will meet this morning at 9 o'clock, and not in sections as usual.

Blue books for the examination in Latin C must be handed in on Monday. Books for Math. A must be handed in Tuesday.

The following men have been elected members of the Signet: Endicott, Fairbanks, R. F. Herrick, Lund, B. T. Tilton, W. F. Tilton, Ware.

The Pennsylvanian speaks editorially of "the CRIMSON'S dignified reply to one of the Columbia Spectator's most uncalled-for exhibitions of discourtesy."

The ninth ten of the Institute of 1770 from '91 are: R. Sears, Washburn, F. Sears, T. P. King, Tyson, Bigelow, Duff, Walker, S. W. Allen, Simons.

The eighth and ninth tens of the Institute of 1770 from '91 will meet at the Old Pudding building on Holmes Field at 7.30 next Thursday evening.

The cups for the winners of the bicycle races last fall, including the Harvard-Technology and other road races and the hare and hounds runs, will be put on exhibition at Leavitt and Peirce's tomorrow.

Within a few weeks Professor Cooke will give a series of stereopticon lectures upon the cities in Italy. The first lecture, on Venice, will be given in Boylston Hall next Thursday evening. Members of the Freshman class are especially invited to attend.
