At certain intervals during the college year the editors of the CRIMSON find it necessary to call the attention of the students to the needs of the editorial board. The time is fast approaching when it is the custom for the editors from the junior class to assume the management of the paper, the seniors retiring at the same time from active work. A large inroad is thus made upon the working force of the paper and the editors who are left find the demand upon their time and energy vastly increased. There is, therefore, no better time for the trial of candidates for the CRIMSON than at this time of the year, just before the annual change in the editorial board.
Of the four classes in college, '91 has the fewest representatives among the editors of this paper. We should be glad to welcome a number of new editors, especially from the sophomore class. There is rooms for three or four sophomores besides those we already have. Another editor from '90 would also be welcomed. We need not say that candidates are accepted strictly according to merit. The requisites are chiefly ability to gather college news and to print it in as attractive and as accurate a manner as the difficult circumstances under which a college daily is conducted will allow. We trust that those of the lower classes who are interested in the sort of work demanded by the duties of an editor will not hesitate to become candidates for the CRIMSON. The paper needs good men. We know that those who join our editorial staff will feel amply repaid in many ways for their efforts.
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