Hasting's Hall is nearly roofed in.
The Cambridge-Oxford race will be rowed on March 30, 1889.
An old barge has been given to the naval cadets at Annapolis by the Yale navy.
Mr. Bendelari has given each member of History XI a printed synopsis of the course.
The candidates for the Yale 'varsity crew have been practicing on the water for the last week.
Friday, Feb. 15, Prof. Cohn will lecture to the members of French 1 on "Thinking in French."
It is expected that the electric cars will run between Boston and Cambridge within a month.
The Chess and Whist Club will hold a whist tournament open to members of the club only after the mid-years.
Pitcher Keefe of the New Yorks has declined a proposition to coach the Princeton team, but will coach the Dartmouth College nine instead.
An alarm was rung in from box 59 yesterday morning for a slight fire in 22 College House. No damage was done beyond the burning of a lambrequin. The appearance of the fire engine and hose carriage, however, excited considerable commotion in the recitation rooms looking out upon the square.
The tank has been completed and is now filled with water. Everything is in readiness for the crews to commence work as soon as the river freezes up.
Forty-four freshmen at Cornell were dropped at the end of last term, having failed to reach the required standard. This is a noticeably small number as compared with other years.
It is the intention of the New York Club managers to present a handsome silk trophy to the College Club making the best showing against the New Yorks in the spring games.
Wagenhurst, former captain of the Princeton baseball and football teams, has signed with the New York baseball club. He is at present training the University of Pennsylvania team.
I. N. Bingham, '89, has been engaged to play with the Minneapolis baseball club next summer. The same club is endeavoring to secure the services of Knowlton, who played left field on the 'varsity team last year.
The Pean, the annual issued by the senior class of the Phillips Exeter Academy, will this year be issued in the form of a memorial, containing full information in regard to the men graduated within the last five years.
The January number of University contains an excellent picture of Dr. McCracken, vice-chancellor of the University of the City of New York. It also contains a paper by J. C. Gernatt on the athletic outlook for the spring.
Mr. Stanislas Danion of the French Department is giving a series of ten lectures and readings, on Thursday afternoons at four o'clock, at the rooms of the Woman's Club, on Park street, Boston. The subjects of Mr. Danion's lectures are questions of contemporary life in France, literary, artistic, dramatic, religious, etc.
The assignment of examination rooms for Chemistry A are as follows: Adams-Estabrook, Sever 37; Estes-F. W. Johnson, Sever 35; G. D. Johnson-T. C. Smith, Mass. 3; P. Spaulding-Young, Dane Hall; special students, Scientific School, conditioned men and all not members of the freshman class, Harvard 6. Students who have not handed in their examination books will not be admitted to the examination.
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