Editors Daily Crimson:
I wish to suggest, through your columns, to the Athletic Association, the idea of holding some hare and hounds or cross-country runs. The weather has been perfect for out-door exercise, and at this time of year when men are glad of any means of taking exercise, it seems to me that many would join these runs. The ground is too wet for tennis and until spring there is no way for a man to take exercise except in the gymnasium, and I know that many would be glad of an opportunity to exercise in the open air. The hare and hound runs have been a great success in the fall. and I see no reason why they should not prove a success now. If the Athletic Association do not feel like giving cups for their runs, let them simply get them up and I am sure that many would join in them. If, however, the Athletic Association do not feel like taking the trouble, it would be a very easy matter for two or three men to announce a run for a certain day, and place a blue book in some convenient place for the signatures of those who wish to run, and if sufficient interest is shown it might even be possible to form a hare and hound club to arrange runs and to further the interests of one of the most popular and beneficial sports in college. English schools have these clubs, and as hare and hound runs are increasing so in popularity, I see no reason why a club could not be formed and run successfully. With a small initiation fee and moderate dues, the club could afford not only to offer prizes, but could support a club room with baths and lockers for the members. I sincerely hope some one will start a club of this kind, for there is no reason why it should not be successful and a benefit to the college. At any rate let us have some runs this winter while the weather is so favorable.
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