
Fact and Rumor.

Notre Dame College has $12,000 worth of electric lights.

The University of Pennsylvania celebrates its centennial in 1891.

The freshman scholarships are now payable at the Bursar's office.

A few copies of the second volume of Advocate Verses are still on sale at Sever's bookstore.

A hockey club has been organized at Harvard. It will play in the carnival at Reading, next Saturday.


Anthony Higgins, a graduate of the Harvard Law School, has just been elected a Republican United States senator from Delaware.

Already over nine hundred answers have been received to the circular sent out by the CRIMSON, scarcely one replying in the negative.

Ninty-two students have withdrawn from the New York College of Dentistry on account of the dismissal of Prof. Fanuell D. Weisse.

The Yale reading-room subscribes for 190 periodicals and papers. The greatest demand of the readers is for illustrated papers in this order-Puck, Life, Harper's Weckly.

The Princeton football eleven will play an exhibition game with the Crescents of Brooklyn at the Madison Square Garden during the games of the A. A. U. on Jan. 19. The Yale eleven were asked to play the Princeton team, but refused.

Professor Smith of Cornell is giving his class in journalism some practical work. Each member of the class interviews certain professors as to their opinions on intercollegiate athletic contosts and similar subjects, and then writing up the interviews.

The Harvard Glee and Banjo Club has just returned from a most successful holiday season, having played to crowded and delighted houses in the leading western cities. The organization numbers forty members, and traveled in grand style, accompanied by two colored porters in livery, and all the other paraphernalia of a first class successful musical combination.- Exeter Gazette.

Professor Charles Eliot Norton of Harvard and other members of the Archaeological Society were given a reception at the Bishops' Home on Lafayette Place, New York, recently. The gathering was principally for the purpose of discussing methods for supporting the school at Athens, and excating the ancient relics of Delphi, Greece. Professors Norton, Goodwin and Sloan spoke. They said about $150,000 was needed. A committee consisting of Cornelius Vanderbilt, Samuel Sloan, Jesse Seligman and Henry G. Marquand were appointed to receive subscriptions.
