
Athletics at Andover.

Athletics at Andover have never been in a better condition than now, and this is due to a great extent to Andover's athletic victories of the past year.

In tennis, two matches are played annually with Exeter. In this fall's tournament Andover won in the singles with Stearns, but lost the doubles with Stearns and Anderson. Since the tournament a good deal of excellent material has been developed, especially C. N. Farnam and Day.

Andover has seldom had a better football team than this year's. Its record was an exceptional one, as the eleven was defeated but twice: once by Harvard and once by Tech. Of the eleven men on the team, seven will enter college next fall. Of these Upton and Hunt will enter Harvard, Coxe, Bliss and Owsley enter Yale, and Mowry and Speer enter Princeton.

In baseball everything augurs well. Stearns, last year's pitcher, has been elected captain, and will pitch again this year. Upton, change catcher and short-stop last year, will probably catch; White, last year's second base, will play first; Anderson, a new man, second base; Owsley, captain of the Lawrenceville School nine last year, will very likely play third. Leland, a new man, will play in the outfield with Dickerman and Dalzell. The team plays a good fielding game, but are not very heavy batters.

Lacrosse and rowing have been dropped entirely, the former on account of the inability to arrange games, the latter on account of the lack of a suitable place to practice.


In track athletics and in gymnasium work, Andover suffers a great deal by the absence of a track and a suitable gymnasium. To overcome the obstacle the students and graduates are trying to raise the necessary sum of money.
