A business meeting of the Glee Club was held in Roberts Hall, yesterday afternoon. The following men, all of whom went with the club on its western trip were elected members in full standing: First tenors, Skinner, L. S.; second tenor, Hebard, '89, Fullerton, '90, Wheelwright, '90, Williams, '91, Goldthwaite, '91; first bass, Keyes, '89, Lockwood, '90, E. A. Darling, '90; second bases, Howe, '89, Richardson, '89, Bradlee, '90. The resignation of the treasurership by H. H. Darling, '89, was accepted and the president, G. C. Bullard was requested to act as treasurer protem. A number of invitations from neighboring cities were read, but action was not taken, except as to those from Quincy and Newtonville which were accepted provisionally.
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