PICTURES of the freshman football team are now on sale at Pach's studio. Price $1.50.
LOST, a black crape bag containing gold spectacles, gloves, etc. Finder will oblige by leaving at 18 Stoughton.
PACH BROS. have been appointed class photographers for '89. Seniors will please make appointments for sittings at the studio at their earliest convenience, as it is very desirable to have the work done as soon as possible.
PHOTO COMMITTEE.HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Important business meeting on Monday at 7.30 p. m.
MEMBERS of the Fencing Club are informed that according to the constitution their dues must be paid before Tuesday, Jan. 14. The treasurer will be in the club rooms, Monday, from 2 to 3 p. m.
THERE will be a meeting of the candidates for the Mott Haven team at the gymnasium, Monday next, Jan. 14, from 3.30 to 4 p. m. The team is greatly in need of new men, especially for shot and hammer throwing, and it is important that all should be at the meeting, that the team may be conveniently divided into squads for work.
G. S. MANDEL, Captain.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Members of the club will meet at Roberts Hall to day (Monday) at 4 p. m. Important business meeting.
J. B. EMBICK, Assistant Secretary.ENGLISH A.- The doors of Sever 11 will be locked at five minutes past nine on Tuesday and Saturdays.
L. B. R. BRIGGS.ALL candidates for the position of coxwain of the university crew will meet at 14 Wadsworth at 8.30 p. m. Tuesday, January 15.
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A General Secretary for the Christian Association.