
Yale News on Harvard Athletics.

The following article, clipped from the Yale News, plainly shows the favorable feeling at Yale as regards the athletic position of Harvard:-

"The more liberal policy recently adopted by the Harvard board of overseers in permitting the nine to play with professional teams as petitioned by their alumni all over the country, is another striking proof of the influence that alumni associations may have in settling undergraduate difficulties. In this particular instance the reasons for granting the petition were obviously sound. We must also congratulate Harvard on the abrogation of this rule that has for some time past sadly hampered captains of their teams in the attempt to secure practice games with nines of sufficient strength. The employment of professional trainers and the erection of a rowing tank argues a renewed interest in athletics for the coming season that we note with great pleasure, showing as it does that the college has not become discouraged by the difficulties of the past year or two."
