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The idea suggested by a correspondent in today's issue in regard to the establishment of a new class in sparring, will meet with the approval of us all. There are so few heavyweights in college that a bout in this class is growing to rarity in the winter meetings. Consequently a new class has almost become a necessity and would be very acceptable at the present time. But in addition to a reason which emanates from a desire to witness more sparring, there is a growing feeling among the lighter men that it is manifestly unfair to match two contestants against each other, one of whom is several pounds heavier than his opponent, especially in a class in which every pound counts. With the founding of our sparring club, this branch of athletics has taken a prominent place among our indoor sports, and is undoubtedly the most interesting feature of our winter meetings. Therefore we ask the managers of the H. A. A. to give this subject their attention, and, if the plan of our correspondent is approved, to establish, as a solution of the difficulty, a class of "bantamweights."
