There was a cut in History XI yesterday.
The mid-year examination in Chemistry A will be limited to two hours.
The Yale nine has arranged games with the Washingtons, of the league, on April 22 and 23.
The candidates for the Princeton nine commenced work in the gymnasium on Monday.
Mr. Lathrop has formed a class in football which practices at the gymnasium daily.
Lawrence Brooks, '90, has been chosen manager of the university eleven for the ensuing year.
On and after tomorrow, all divisions of Political Economy I will meet Prof. Taussig at nine o'clock in Mass. 3. Until the mid-years, Prof. Taussig will lecture on "The Condition of the Laboring Classes." Seats will be assigned in Mass. 3. For a short period after the mid-years, Professor Dunbar will have charge of the course.
The Princeton Glee Club will give a concert in New Brunswick, Jan. 16. The proceeds are for the benefit of the Rutgers Athletic Association.
The faculty of Princeton has refused to grant the lacrosse team permission to play an exhibition game in the Madison Square Garden.
The new electric cars will run from Harvard Square to the West Boston bridge in fifteen minutes, eight minutes less than is required at present.
Professor J. H. Thayer, of the Divinity School, will address the Harvard Young Men's Christian Association in Lawrence Hall this evening at 6.30. All students are invited.
The challenge received by L. T. Snipe, Yale '89, president of the University Boat Club, from the boating authorities of the Dublin University, asks for a race over a course of four miles on the Liffey river.
The Lick Observatory is to have a rival nearly 1000 feet higher than Mt. Hamilton, and situated in Colorado, at an elevation of nearly 5,000 feet above the sea level. The new observatory will be attached to the University of Colorado.
The programme for the thirteenth rehearsal and concert of the Boston Symphony Orchestra is as follows: Overture, "Jessonda," by Spohr; Reigen seliger geister und furien danse from "Orpheus," by Gluck; the ballet music and entr'acte from Schubert's "Rosamunde" and Beethoven's sixth (Pastoral) symphony.
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