

We invite all members of the University to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

Editors Daily Crimson:

Several weeks ago you published an editorial urging that a part of the surplus in the treasury of the F. F. B. A. be devoted to the purchase of suitable trophies for the members and substitutes on the football team. No action, however, seems to have been taken in the matter. Is this suggestion of the CRIMSON to be disregarded? I hope not, for it was certainly a good one. The men deserve some recognition of their splendid victory over Yale, and in later years such trophies, if given, will be pleasant mementos of the freshman year at Harvard. If the practice of giving trophies, whenever the finances permit, to members of championship-winning teams is established, it will, I think, be an additional incentive to good work to our athletes-small, to be sure-but still we ought to do everything now to raise Harvard Athletics from the dust where they lie.

The members of the Yale ball team received trophies for their work last year. Why should not the members of our football team get them in recognition of their work this last fall?

