
The Class of '88.

The following facts have been gathered concerning the present pursuits of last year's graduating class:-

M A. Dew. Howe, last year president of the Harvard Monthly, has been appointed probationary editor of the Youth's Companion.

W. F. Brush expects to sail for Europe shortly.

Cabot and Butler are in business in Boston.

H. Page is studying for the ministry at the Episcopal Theological School.


Hesseltine is studying abroad.

Loeb is in a banking house in New York.

The following men have entered the Law School: Bailey, Bolster, Burdett, G. A. Carpenter, M. B. Clarke, Friend, G. G. Hall, Hallowell, Honore, Musaus, Palmer, Rand, Willett and Swarts.

Ewald has been appointed assistant in the Chemical Laboratory.

Hays is taking a post-graduate course in physics.

T. Q. Browne is pursuing business in Valpariso.

G. R. Richards has entered business in Weymouth.

Cram is in business in Boston.

Bowen has entered business at his home in Fall River.

J. A. and J. W. Saxe, Wesleyan '85 and Harvard '88, formerly of Troy, New York, have, since their graduation, taken up their residence in Boston, where they intend to enter a business house.

Brock has entered the Yale Theological Seminary.
