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It is with pleasure we announce that in a few days a report showing the result of the investigations made by the Committee of the Faculty on Athletics, is to be published and distributed. The report is certain to contain valuable information on a subject that has never been carefully and fully investigated before-the real position of athletics in college life. Exaggerated ideas of the great amount of time spent by athletes in training, and of the consequent loss of time that ought to have been devoted to college work proper, etc.- will be confirmed or disproved by the result of this report. The committee has spared no pains to make their investigation absolutely complete, and their efforts have been remarkably successful. They have obtained a frank statement from nearly every undergraduate in college, of the amount of time he devotes to athletics; and of his opinion in regard to the relation athletics bear to general college work. The value of such an investigation is apparent at once.

Too great praise cannot be given to the committee that have taken such pains to make their investigation a complete and thorough one. The value of their report cannot be over-estimated.
