
Ninety-one, 1; Ninety, 0.

The third game in the class series for the lacrosse championship resulted in a victory for the freshmen by a score of 1 to 0. The game was well played throughout, and Ninety-one showed up better than on any previous occasion. For the first time in the series the sides were even. Soon after play began the ball was forced toward Ninety-one's goal, but the defence played a strong game, and Morton had no work to do until the first half was nearly over, when he made some good stops. The time of the second half was shortened to fifteen minutes, and had nearly expired before either side scored. After the freshmen had made a goal, Ninety played desperately, but were unable to do any better than before.

Ninety-one showed a wonderful improvement over their play of Tuesday, and if they continue to play in such good form they may win the championship after all. Their throwing is still weak, and most men do not body-check well; but there was a noticeable improvement in this point. Every man played with a snap and vigor which is in striking contrast to the usual listless work of the team. Amory, Walcott and Everett did especially good work on the defence. Davis played home instead of defence as usual, and made the only goal of the game.

This game gives Ninety-one the lead in number of games won. All the teams have lost one game. The teams were made up as follows: Ninety-one-Morton, Amory, Walcott, Stead, Jones, Everett, King, Bigelow, Davis; Ninety Morton, Pulsifer, Kuhn, Hecht, Wells, Blaney, Henshaw, Spencer, Slade.
