The old 'varsity launch came to grief again Tuesday afternoon. While she was travelling along under a heavy pressure of steam in order to keep up with the crew, the connecting rod of the low-pressure cylinder broke, knocking off the cylinder head and smashing things generally. This necessitated taking the launch to the dry-dock for repairs. In the evening the engineer started with her for the lower basin, but she became unmanageable and went aground on a mud bank off the Crescent Boat Club house. The skid on the keel stuck in the mud and prevented the tide from floating the launch. She soon began to fill and the engineer was compelled to swim ashore. Efforts were made to get the launch afloat yesterday, but were unsuccessful. A lighter of the Boston Towing Company has been hired, and it is expected that the launch will be run off at high tide this morning, about four o'clock.
The old craft has had many accidents during the past few years. Last year at New London she sank and was raised only with great trouble. She has been a source of constant expense to the boat club. A few more such accidents will make her totally unfit for repairs.
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Final Examinations 1893.