
Commencement Week at Yale.

The exercises of commencement week at Yale begin Friday, June 22, with the DeForest prize speaking. President Dwight preaches the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday; and on Monday will take place the presentation exercises of the graduating class, with the class oration and poem in the chapel; the reading of the class history on the campus, followed by the planting of the class ivy; and, in the evening, the senior promenade in Alumni Hall.

The exercises on Tuesday will be the meeting of the alumni in Alumni Hall; an address on "Medicine" by Professor William H. Welch, M. D., of John Hopkins University; the anniversary exercises of the law school, with an address by Justice Matthews of the United States Supreme court, on "The Judicial Power of the United States;" the Yale-Harvard championship base-ball game at the Yale field; the Glee Club concert at the Hyperion; and at the same hour, the anniversary exercise of the Sheffield scientific school in North Sheffield Hall.

The day will close with a reception in the rooms of the law department. The commencement exercises proper will take place Wednesday, followed by the alumni dinner, and a reception by President Dwight in the art school.

The men chosen to speak are:- W. G. Cosad, Phelps, New York; E. S. Farrington, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Irving Fisher (valedictorian), New Haven; E. W. Harter, Albany, N. Y.; D. B. Hardenburg, Port Jervis, N. Y.; W. A. Parshall, Port Jervis, N. Y.; H. G. Platt, Milford, Conn.; B. C. Steiner (Latin oration), Baltimore; H. E. Steinervens, New York city; H. C. Tolman, Hanover, Mass., M. R. Wait, Toledo, Ohio.

The entrance examinations for both the college and the scientific school will be held Thursday. Friday the college year will close with the Harvard-Yale boat race at New London.

