
Columbia Freshman Crew.

The annual race between the Harvard and Columbia freshman crews will take place within a few weeks. The Columbia men have already taken up their quarters at New London, and are now working very hard. In the Harlem regatta they defeated the "Dauntless" crew and are consequently very confident of victory over Harvard. The men have been in training five months altogether-three months in the gymnasium and the remainder on the water-under the supervision of their coach, W. B. Peet. Three well-known Columbia rowing men, Professor J. P. Goodwin, Prof. J. H. Amringe, and Mr. R. C. Cornell, have taken considerable interest in the crew and have given suggestions from time to time. The crew is now rowing daily on the Thames and on Sunday they take a ten-mile walk instead of the regular row. The crew is an unusually good one, and our freshmen will have hard work to win the race, especially since the Columbia men have a great advantage in getting on the water earlier, and in having a longer time to train at New London. The crew is as follows: O. P. H. La Farge (bow), G. M. Anderson, G. W. Metcalf, J. S. Langthorn (captain), S. V. W. Lee, W. P. Robertson, P. E. Tuttle, A. G. Norrie (stroke), F. C. Cheeseborough, coxswain.
