Some weeks ago the CRIMSON advocated the wearing of the university blazer by the students at large. Since that time the question has assumed a new aspect which is a strong argument for the change. It has become the custom of all the college clubs of a nature at all athletic, to adopt both the 'varsity blazer and cap. This has made the blazers so numerous as to take them from their exclusive use by the nine and crew, and make them only the distinguishing feature of any Harvard athletic organization. This is but the result of a gradual and very rational development, and should be welcomed by every Harvard man as a just extension of his own privileges. The next and final step is the adoption of the Harvard colors by every Harvard man; and none who are desirous to use this privilege should refrain on purely sentimental grounds, from wearing the black and red blazer. With due respect for our crew and nine, a monogram is all that either organization should claim as its own.
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