
Appleton Chapel.

At the Chapel last evening Dr. Edward Everett Hale preached the second of his series of sermons on the "Formation of Character." His subject was the connection between being and doing, between our religious belief and our active work in life. The last quarter of a century has witnessed a revolution in the methods of church work. The churches have begun to turn their attention to the needs of the times, education, foreign missions, prison reforms and temperance instead of wrangling over creeds and opinions. So we, too, must apply our beliefs to the affairs of life, for only by so doing can we make them and ourselves of use in the world.

The singing of the choir was unusually good, and formed a very attractive part of the service. The anthems were: "Saviour, when night covers the skies," by Shelley; "And they rest not day and night," by Tuckerman, and "There is sprung up a light," by Armes.
