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With to-day's issue, the CRIMSON closes its work for the year. It is with extreme reluctance that we are compelled to did farewell to the class of '88, who in leaving college will take with them the best wishes of the whole University. The record of the class in scholarships, literature and athletics is unequalled. It is a heavy loss to a university when she has to part with such a host of "good, all-round fellows," and the prospect of the parting soon to come will be the only damper upon the Class Day festivities. We can wish for '88 no better success in their future life than that which has made them famous in their college life-a success of the kind which it would be well for future classes to emulate. To the class of '89, which is about to become the senior class, we extend our hearty good wishes. We can give them no better advice than asking them to follow in the footsteps of '88, whose class day it is today. In conclusion we would propose the good old toast: "Here's to the class of '88, her health, wealth and happiness; and may she continue to be an honor to our Alma Mater."
