Hon. S. B. Chittendon of Brooklyn recently made a gift of Yale of $125,000 for a new library. The ground for the structure has already been broken, and work is now progressing rapidly. The plans, which were prepared by a New York firm, provide for a building with a capacity of 300,000 volumes. It will be almost square, about 100 feet on a side, and 80 feet high. The walls will be of brown stone in two shades, and the floors will be iron, finished with rock asphalt and tile. This will make the building entirely fire-proof, even to the doors, most of which will be iron. The furniture will be of oak, upholstered with leather, and will be simple but substantial.
The reading room will be octagonal in shape, and will occupy the upper story. It will be connected with the main library by speaking tubes, so that books may be ordered easily by the readers. A large open fire-place will be built in one of the angles. Above it will be placed a bronze tablet, in memory of the late Mrs. Rusk, the daughter of the doner.
The book-cases will occupy the floor space of three great lofts. They will be only eight feet high, and the eight or ten feet above will be left open for light and ventilation. Each of the three lofts will be in charge of an attendant and will have no communication with the main library except through a single door. In addition to the books, the library will contain a large and valuable collection of coins, which the college now owns. A safe will be provided for their security. In the basement will be rooms for cataloguing, and accommodation for unpacking, binding and repairing. The building will be heated by furnace, and will have an engine and fan to provide thorough ventilation.
The exterior of the library will be in essentially modern style. A dome will rise from the centre of the roof above the reading room. In accordance with the terms of the gift, Yale is bound to erect two other similar structures, and the college ought to well provided with libraries when all are completed. The three buildings will together have a capacity of nearly one million volumes.
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