TUTORING in History 13 and 17. All kinds of writing and type-writing done at short notice. Preparation for the college examinations during the summer months. CLARENCE A. BRODEUR, '87, 14 Hollis.
TUTORING in Physics A a specialty. Seminar the night before the examination, at 45 Holyoke.
EDWARD H. KIDDER, 57 C.LOUIS L. HOOPER, 45 H'ke.je13 6t.
PHYSICS A.- I shall give two seminars in this course on the evenings of June 19th and 20th. All who wish to attend will please send me their names. Also tutoring in the course.
M. L. BRUUER, 63 College House.je13 6t
I SHALL give a seminar in Freshman Physics the evening before the examination, at 7.30 o'clock.
PERRY LAWTON, '88, 25 Hollis Hall.je14 6t
SENIORS desiring accommodations for friends for Class Day season can secure same of POWERS, 30 Boylston St., Read's Building.
TO LET.- For the coming college year, rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at 13 Kirkland Place (off Kirkland St,). Last house on the left. Three minutes walk from Memorial Hall. je13 6t
JOURNALISM.- If any Harvard student wishes to engage in Journalism, he will do well to address JOURNALIST, P. O. Box 3103, Boston, Mass. je19 1t
WANTED, a few energetic men to engage in a profitable business during the summer. Call or send address to 42 Mt. Auburn street, between 7 and 9 p. m. je15 6t
JAMES W. BRINE, 436 Harvard St., has the flnest assortment of 4-in-hands and Windsors in the city for 50 cents. Also a full line of wash ties in plain white and embroidered. je1
CLASS DAY NOTICE.- White dress ties; full dress shirts, all prices; full dress gloves; full dress suits to measure; full dress suits pressed.
J. B. BRINE, 8 Boylston St., next to post office.STRIPE FLANNEL CAPS 75 cents, at James W. Brine's.
JUST RECEIVED, fine line English White Flannel Suits, English Stripe Blazers, English Stripe Pants, English Stripe Silk Belts, at James W. Brine's, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.
STUDENTS desiring to purchase highclass Hosiery and Underwear in natural lamb's wool (summer weight), White Merino and French Balbriggan, can do so at JAMES W. BRINE'S, 436 Harvard street. je 1
SERGE CAPS $1.00 at James W. Brine's, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.
FINE LINE French Flannel Shirts at James W. Brine's.
ENGLISH and American School Suits at J. W. Brine's.
TROY LAUNDRY.- James W. Brine, 436 Harvard street, is the only agent in Cambridge for the original Troy Laundry. Laundry work called for and delivered. je
SENIORS must order their Camp Chairs at once to secure them at POWERS, 30 Boylston street, near Post Office.
THE valuable Guide to the "Cathedral Tour of England, Ireland and Scotland" is to be obtained at Amee's and Sever's. Gentlemen going abroad should secure a copy.
POWERS, the Class Day decorator, has a fine reputation in his line of business. Seniors would do well to consult him at once. He is recommended very highly.
RAILROAD TICKETS to all points south and west via Boston and Albany; reduced rates to San Francisco, Denver, Ogden and St. Paul. We shall be glad to secure berths in advance and give any information.
C. C. KING,A. A. HUBBARD, 15 Hollis.je16 6t
HARVARD students wanting their clothes cleansed and repaired will do well to try the French Dry Cleansing process. Clothes cleansed and pressed in 3 days notice. Dress Suits cleansed and pressed. J. B. BRINE, 8 Boylston St., Cambridge, next to post office.
Laundry office.
WANTED.- A few energetic men to engage in a profitable business during the summer. Call or send address to 42 Mount Auburn street, between 7 and 9 p. m. je16 6t
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