
Seats for the Observation Train.

The people of New London are making elaborate preparations for the week of the races. As Harvard and Yale have each won the same number of races, this year will be unusually important. Consequently it is expected that a larger number of spectators than ever before will be present. The observation train is by far the best place from which to witness the race, but it has always fallen into the hands of "scalpers," owing to the fact that it has been limited to twenty-one cars. Tickets costing $1 have been sold at prices ranging from $2 to $15. President Stevenson, of the Yale navy, and Superintendent Spaulding, of the railroad company, think that by having an unlimited number of seats all this speculation can be killed. Let every Harvard man who goes to New London remember this arrangement and save himself from being cheated. The regular price for a seat is only $1.
