

HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- The following men will please be at the new Pudding building at 11.45 a. m. sharp: H. M. Sears, P. S. Sears, Lydig, L. H. Morgan, J. P. Morgan, Carey, Codman, Weaver, Reynolds, Talbot, Hunneman, Weld, Shattuck, F. E. Parker, G. H. Norman, J. H. Sears. All are requested to meet promptly and without fail.

'88 CLASS SONG.- The last rehearsal will be this afternoon at 1.30 sharp, with the band. Let every man who can sing at all be present.

B. CARPENTER, Chorister.CLASS OF '88.- The class secretary has received answers to questions for statistics from less than half the class. Those who have not sent them in will confer a great favor by doing so before leaving Cambridge.

F. B. LUND.CLASS OF 1888.- Members of '88 are reminded of the commencement dinner to be held at the Parker House Monday, June 25th, at seven o'clock. Only those who sign the book at Bartlett's before 6 o'clock p. m, June 22nd, can be admitted to the dinner.

Once more the committee urge a prompt payment of the first instalment of the subscriptions to the Class Fund, that the financial condition of the class may be sound from the first. Subscriptions may be handed to any member of the committee or sent directly to me.


A. P. BUTLER, Chairman of the Class Com.
