

HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- The following men will please meet at 7 p. m. sharp to-day (Monday) at the new Pudding building: Carey, P. S. Sears, H. M. Sears, Lydig, L. H. Morgan, J. P. Morgan, Codman. Weaver, Talbot, Reynolds, Shattuck, Weld, J. M. Smith, G. H. Norman, Goodwin, F. E. Parker. All are requested to meet promptly and without fail.

THE Pi Eta group will be taken on Tuesday, June 19, at 1.30 p. m.

COMMITTEE.ALL men wishing to attend HarvardMelrose game to-day on tally-ho coach can do so by signing before ten o'clock at Leavitt and Peirce's. Price $2.00.

HARVARD CANOE CLUB.- There will be a meeting to-night in Matthews 20 at 7.30 p. m. Cups for the races will be given out. All members desiring to go to the A. C. A. meet this summer are specially requested to be present.

LACROSSE CHAMPIONSHIP.- The following men can get cups by calling for them at Leavitt and Peirce's after Monday at 12 o'clock: Vorse, Naumberg, Griswold, Reisner, Latta, Richardson, Griffing, Bent, Grew, Holliday, Hunneman.


MAX ALEX. KILVERT.[Additional Notices on Fourth Page.]
