The Philadelphian Society, encouraged by the success of the summer school of Northfield, Mass., carried on under its direction for two years, has determined to continue the experiment this summer. The primary object of the school is for Bible study. Mr. Moody is to conduct the school as here-tofore, and Dr. McKenzie of Cambridge and Professor Harper of Yale will speak at some of the meetings. As is stated in another column, the school is not for religious purposes alone but is intended to afford all the physical recreation that can be had in a well situated camp. The opportunities for base-ball, tennis, boating, etc., that will be offered will be excellent. If judgment can be formed of the success of the school from the number of men who attended it last year, the experiment is certainly worth repeating. A large number of men from Yale, Princeton and other colleges will spend the two weeks at Northfield, and we hope that Harvard also will be well represented. We think we can guarantee those who are able to go a profitable two weeks.
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