
Fact and Rumor.

University College has a scholarship of $3500, tenable to women.

Amherst beat University of Pennsylvania, Wednesday, 16 runs to 5.

Ex-President Porter will spend the summer in Europe with his family.

Yesterday was commencement day at the Andover Theological Seminary.

The Mikado of Japan has issued an edict against the game of base-ball.


Walt Whitman is seriously ill at his home in Camden, N. J., and grave fears are felt that his strength will not be sufficient for his recovery.

O. S. Campbell, of Columbia, has just won the country club tennis tournament, defeating Sands, Taylor and Beeckman.

Forty new pictures have been added to the art gallery of Lasell Seminary. Four of them are water colors by C. W. Sanderson.

Temple the American bicyclist, won the 2,000 metres races at Berlin recently in 3 minutes 19 seconds, thus beating the best record ever made on the Continent.

The Observatory will be open to the members of the graduating class on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of this month from 8 to 10 p. m.; entrance is from Garden street.

On Mount Lincoln, Colorado, at a height of 14,296 feet above the sea level there is a meteorological station conducted by Harvard.

An invaluable hand book for extensive readers is "Initials and Pseudonyms," written by William Cushing, an assistant in the Library twenty years ago, has been issued by Crowell and Co.

The trustees of Wesleyan University will elect a new president on Tuesday, June 26, to succeed Dr. Beech who was removed from office last year. The name of Dr. James M. King, of New York, is frequently mentioned in connection with the place.

In Rider Haggard's latest novel, the tattooing on the shoulders of the heroine of the will of a rich old man cast away on a desert island is made the startling and essential incident of the story.

On June 13th the University of Pennsylvania defeated Haverford College on the grounds of the Merion C. C., near Philadelphia, by a score of 194 to 45. That victory and the result of the game last Wednesday with Harvard gives Pennsylvania the intercollegiate cricket championship of 1888.

On Saturday the University of Cambridge conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws upon Prince Albert Victor, Lords Salisbury, Roseberry and Randolph Churchill, Mr. Goschen, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Mr. Balfour, Chief Secretary for England.

Eighty-six young men were graduated at Columbia College yesterday. For the first time in the history of the college the degree of bachelor of arts was conferred upon a woman, Miss Alice Louise Pond, the twenty-year-old daughter of one of the editor of the Sun. The honorary degree of doctor of letters was conferred on Charles Eliot Norton, LL. D.
