
Special Notices.

Notices, if not more than five lines, inserted in this column for 50 cents each insertion, or $2.00 a week. For over five lines, the rates are doubled. Short "Lost" and "Found" notices, if inserted once, free; every additional insertion 50 cents. Al

TUTORING in History 13 and 17. All kinds of writing and type-writing done at short notice. Preparation for the college examinations during the summe months. CLARENCE A. BRODEUR, '87, 14 Hollis.

TUTORING in Fine Arts IV, Philosophy XI, History XII, Pol. Econ. IV, English XV.

WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 6 Little's Block.m24 18t

AN experienced tutor in History 1 and 17, N. H. 4 and Physics A.

W. J. BOWEN, 32 Hollis.my18 4w


HOLMES HINKLEY, A. M., tutor for Harvard. Few hours still unengaged. 14 Kirkland Place, Cambridge.

my 22-29 j 5-12

PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS wanted by Mr. Osenbrugge, 18 Prescott St.

je12 1t.

STUDENTS desiring work at a summer resort on Block Island, R. I., should write at once to CALVIN H. MILLS, 116 South Beaver St., York, Penna.

je6 5t

POWERS, the Class Day decorator, has a fine reputation in his line of business. Seniors would do well to consult him at once. He is recommended very highly.

JUST RECEIVED, fine line English White Flannel Suits, English Stripe Blazers, English Stripe Pants, English Stripe Silk Belts, at James W. Brine's, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

WANTED.- All kinds of Gents' cast-off Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Highest cash prices paid. We make a specialty of cleaning, repairing, pressing and dyeing all kinds of Gent's Clothing. Call or send postal to WILLIAM H. BROWN, 465 Main Street, Cambridge port. All orders promptly attended to.

je7 6t eod.

JAMES W. BRINE, 436 Harvard St., has the finest assortment of 4-in-hands and Windsors in the city for 50 cents. Also a full line of wash ties in plain white and embroidered.


STUDENTS desiring to purchase high-class Hosiery and Underwear in natural lamb's wool (summer weight), White Merino and French Balbriggan, can do so at JAMES W. BRINE'S, 436 Harvard street.


CAMP CHAIRS to let for all occasions, cheap, at LEE L. POWERS', 30 Boylston street.


STRIPE FLANNEL CAPS 75 cents, at James W. Brine's.

SERGE CAPS $1.00 at James W. Brine's, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

HARVARD students wanting their clothes cleansed and repaired will do well to try the French Dry Cleansing process. Clothes cleansed and pressed in 3 days notice. Dress Suits cleansed and pressed. J. B. BRINE, 8 Boylston St., Cambridge, next to post office.

Laundry office.

FINE LINE French Flannel Shirts at James W. Brine's.

TO STUDENTS.- Five hundred pairs of English Tennis Shoes, 500 pairs Gymnasium Shoes, 1000 pairs of Tennis Pants, all color stripes; 1000 striped Tennis Coats and Caps; Tennis Shirts, Tennis Belts, Pants, Coats and Capes. Co-operative prices.

J. B. BRINE, 8 Boylston street, Cambridge.ENGLISH and American School Suits at J. W. Brine's.

TROY LAUNDRY.- James W. Brine, 436 Harvard street, is the only agent in Cambridge for the original Troy Laundry. Laundry work called for and delivered.


AWNINGS MADE AND PUT UP by LEE L. POWERS, Read's Building, at greatly reduced prices.

