
Class Day Notice.

The first sale of Class Day tickets will take place June 12, from 1.30 to 3 p. m. at 29 Weld Hall. Packages and yard tickets will be sold. The packages will contain three Sanders, eight Tree and ten Memorial tickets each, and the price will be $9.00. Seniors may purchase one package each; they will please bring the exact change.

Other sales this week will take place on Wednesday and Friday, from 1.30 to 2.30 p. m. On Wednesday graduating members of the other departments of the University may buy small packages, as stated in the circulars.

The sales for all members of the University will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 18, 19 and 20, from 1.30 to 2.30 p. m.

Attention of seniors is again called to the conditions under which the tickets are sold.

All who have not remailed the postals concerning the Glee Club will please do so at once.


The committee desires that a large number of men compose hymns for Baccalaureate Sunday.

B. W. PALMER, Chairman Class Day Committee,
