With the close of the present college year will end necessarily the connection of a large number of men with the Glee Club. Eighty-eight has been a very musical class, and nowhere has this been better shown than in the fact that during the past year the first bass part of the Glee Club has been composed entirely of seniors. Honore, Ewald, Mason, Saxe and Swarts have made us a very strong part. These men, with G. H. Carpenter in the second bass, Howard, Balch, Pope and B. Carpenter in the second tenor, and Lund and Barry in the first tenor, will leave many vacant places behind them. The loss of so many well-trained voices will be severely felt next year, unless the ranks are filled by a large accession of men from Ninety-two or unless singers among the students offer themselves at the trial of candidates in the fall. There are numbers of men in college who have good voices, but who have never had their interest aroused so far as to seek membership in the Glee Club, or who have been diffident about presenting themselves. The club does not demand men with exceptional voices, but rather those who sing with attention to the requirements of the music and with care in regard to the pitch; men who are willing to work and to submit to the necessary discipline. Besides the large number of tenors and bases, the club will need a yodler and a whistler. The number of men who attended the trial of candidates last October was smaller than usual; it would be very unfortunate if with greater needs than usual the Club should find itself hampered next fall by a limited range of choice occasioned by lack of interest on the part of the musical men of the University.
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