
The Coming University.

Ex-President White, of Cornell University, who has made a life-long study of the higher educational systems and problems both of this country and of the Old World, has prepared a sketch of the "Next American University," which is published in the Forum for June. He would have a great school so organized that the most promising students of every leading American institution should have encouragement and direction, each in the prosecution of his specialty, at any American or foreign school that he choose; and that these thoroughly trained students should be maintained by this great central university to investigate important problems in American politics, industries and social science-doing original work and building, on the broadest system that perhaps has ever been devised, a great national university in fact. Such an institution would stimulate and unify all the existing American institutions of high grade.

Unfortunately this ideal university is so far away in the future that it is possible that no one now living will ever make use of its advantages or even witness its establishment.
