
Book Auction.

There will be an auction on Wednesday, June 6, at 2 p. m., at the New Divinity School Library, of a student's collection of about 250 volumes in fine condition, containing works of Shakespeare, Montaigne, Plutarch, (Plato), (Jowett), Longfellow, Emerson, Browning, "George Eliot," Darwin, etc. Also English, French and German dictionaries; and many other works of interest, among them Emerson's "Woody Plants of Massachusetts," Johnson's "Oriental Religions" (Persia and China). William's "Indian Wisdom," Julius Sachs' Text-book of Botany, etc. All must be sold. Terms cash. Books may be seen on Monday and Tuesday, June 4th and 5th, between 9 and 1 o'clock.
