

SHOOTING CLUB DINNER, Parker House, 7 p. m., on Thursday, May 10 Book at Bartlett's. The dinner is given for the Pennsylvania team. All members of the club are requested to sign.

HARVARD-PENNSYLVANIA SHOOTING MATCH, at the Harvard Range, near Watertown, 2.30 p. m., Thursday, May 10. Two special cars will leave the Square at 1.55 p. m. for the match.

HARVARD GLEE CLUB-There will be a rehearsal at 2 o' clock today.

A. D. HODGES, Secretary.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Violas, cellos and basses will rehearse, as per circular, at 7.30.

The sophomore nine will be on Jarvis at 2 p. m. The game today at Exeter is off.


F. B. MCKEAN.BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB.- Meeting this evening at 7.30 sharp in 8 Boylston Hall. Paper by Dr. O. W. Huntington.

Train will leave for Andover from Boston and Maine station a 2.15, returning after freshman concert. Fare for round trip seventy cents.

GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS AND PIERIAN.- The tickets to the Sanders' Theatre concert will not be put on sale until Thursday morning at 9 instead of today, as previously announced.

CANDIDATES for the CRIMSON nine will meet on Jarvis Field at 9 o'clock this morning, or as soon after that hour as possible.

BICYCLE CLUB.- There will be a run over the 14 mile road-course laid out for the road race of next Friday, this afternoon. Start from University at 3.30 p. m.

R. S. BALDWIN.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Members may go to Andover with the nine today or later to the 6.30 p. m. train, Boston and Maine R. R. Be dressed in dressed suits if you go in the last train.

H. F. B. B. C.- Following men will go to Andover today: Mason, Dean, Corning, Nichols, Cummings, Parker, Crosby, Babbitt, Bowman. Train leaves B. and M. Station at 2.15.

THE following '89 men will meet at Leavitt and Peirce's at 2 this afternoon to go to Tufts: Magee, Joline, Thayer, Raymond, Morgan, Clark, Litchfield and Bigelow. Dress either here or at Tufts.


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