Notwithstanding the threatening skies, the miserable weather and the poor condition of the track, all of which tended to dampen the spirits of the contestants, the athletic meeting of last Saturday was eminently successful. Had it not been for the attendant circumstances of the day, the time made and distance covered in the various competitions would undoubtedly have been better, but even as it was the H. A. A. have good reason to congratulate themselves upon the breaking of two records. The running in the half-mile race was such as any college might point to with pride, and the record made in throwing the hammer, although not up to the best college record, gives every reason to hope that Harvard will be able to win that event at the Mott Haven games this year. That the members of the team have worked hard during the spring and winter months cannot be denied; but neither can the fact be ignored that such self-sacrifice has now become an essential requisite to success. The date of the Mott Haven games is now drawing near, and though none of us can foretell the result, we can all hope to see the former prestige of Harvard in track athletics fully and unquestionably restored.
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