
Fact and Rumor.

Noyes has resumed practice with the Yale nine.

Andover Theological Seminary has fifty students.

Dr. Mackenzie preached in Appleton Chapel last evening to a large congregation.

The Freshman Glee and Banjo Clubs will give a concert in Andover next Wednesday evening.

Last session there were 26,945 students at the German universities, of whom 1644 were foreigners.


The result of Saturday's game at New Haven will render the game with Princeton today one of unusual interest.

A mass meeting of Yale students, Wednesday evening, passed resolutions against moving the "fence" to make place for the new recitation hall.

Dr. E. S. Dunster, an eminent medical authority and instructor, died at Ann Arbor, Mich., on Thursday. He was a graduate of Harvard of the class of 1856.

The suits of the Exeter nine consist of crimson jerseys with a white E on the breast, light gray flannel trousers and crimson stockings. Their caps, blazers and belts will be crimson and black.

The alumni of Exeter and Andover in Princeton have offered the faculties of the two academies a very handsome silver shield to be contested for in a series of nine annual debates between representative speakers of the schools.

A soldiers' monument will soon be erected on Cambridge common. The model has already been made, and represents the Genius of Liberty, or America, seated in graceful and majestic attitude, her right hand holding a sheathed sword, while in her left is held a laurel wreath.

The concert given in Haverhill, Friday evening, by the Glee and Banjo clubs, was very successful. The Haverhill Tennis Club gave the students a hearty reception. After the concert there was dancing in Lincoln hall until one o'clock. The bass solos of Mr. Swarts and Mr. Hackett during the concert were the best numbers of the programme.
