
Fact and Rumor.

A one-hour elective in Dante will be given next year at Yale.

The students of Ohio Wesleyan have raised $1500 to fit up their base-ball grounds.

The make-up examination in Italian I will be held Friday, June 8, in U. E. R.

Tailer and Snow will play Tallant and Lee and exhibition game of tennis this afternoon at 2.15, Beck Hall courts.

A hot house is being constructed at Cornell University which will be used to make a study of all noxious insects.


The "Pelicans" beat the Adams Academy nine at Quincy yesterday by a score of 10 to 9 in an eleven inning game.

Anton Rubinstein, the pianist, has accepted an offer of $20,000 for fifty performances in the United States during the coming season.

The Sophomore class in the School of Arts, Columbia College, last Friday, decided to hold its "Triumph over Legendre," Monday evening, June 4.

The Glee Club celebrated the victory of the nine at Princeton in song last evening in front of Weld. Mr. Carpenter's yodel was especially effective.

G. T. Hughes, son of the American consul at Birmingham, has won a Cambridge scholarship, $2000. He will be the first American holding an English scholarship.

Seniors who took English 12 during the academic year 1886-87 may obtain their themes at 18 Grays, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, from 10 to 1 o'clock.

Mr. Lunt, graduate, recently read a paper on the U. S. Census, before the American Statistical Association. The paper is to appear in the publication of the society.

Dr. Hart will lecture to the members of the courses History 13 and 17, in Massachusetts at 2 p. m. today, on the geography required for the final examination.

A book has just been published by C. S. Huntington, describing the condition of every road fit for bicycling in Connecticut. Only 200 of the first edition are left unsold.

At a meeting of the University of Pennsylvania Athletic Association, on Saturday, George Brinton broke the intercollegiate record held by Coxe of Yale, in throwing the hammer by 2 ft. 3 3-4 in., making a throw of 100 ft. 9 1-2 in.

President Adams, of Cornell University, and President Hyde, of Bowdoin College, are said to be the only two college presidents who play tennis. It is said that President Hyde is the better player.

The semi-annual banquet and initiation of the Harvard Chapter of the Delta Upsilon took place Monday evening in the rooms of the society on Brattle street; Rev. O. P. Gifford of Boston was toast-master. Speeches were made by Mr. Sawin and Mr. Utley of Amherst, and Mr. Wheelock of Cornell.

The Commencement exercises at Wesleyan University will begin Sunday, June 24, with a baccalaureate sermon by Rev. A. S. Hunt. Monday will be Class Day; Tuesday and Wednesday will be devoted to societies and class reunions; and Thursday the graduation exercises will take place and degrees be awarded.
