
The Atlantic Monthly.

The June number of the Atlantic Monthly is as bright and interesting as usual. The serial stories, "Yone Santo" and "The Despot of Broomsedge Cove" are continued, and a new one, "Miser Farrell's Bequest," by J. P. Quincy, is begun. "To Cawdor Castle and Culloden Moor," by J. C. R. Dorr, is a vivid description of that interesting place. Theodore Child contributes "The Literary Career in France," a paper which is well worth reading. "The Discovery of the Rocky Mountains." by Francis Parkman, is not only instructive but possesses the charm of the other writings of that able historian. Perhaps the most interesting article in this number is that by Ellen Terry Johnson, called "The Queen Behind the Throne." It is a short sketch of a wonderful woman, the Princess des Ursins, the Madame de Maintenon of Spain. The writer enters into details which general histories have not space for, and the result is an admirable work. Among other articles presented are "A Southern Planter" and "American Fiction."
