
The Advocate.

The eighth number of the Advocate, which appears to-day, is an exceptionally interesting one. Its articles are, to a large extent, free from that unevenness of merit which sometimes detracts from the effectiveness of the Advocate.

The editorials are wide in their scope, and discuss present college interests, athletic, social and intellectual.

As a delination of character "The Barber's Romance" is successful to the end. Pride and self-assertion compromised by marriage is the theme. But beside others, the story has this additional merit, that, as the writer says-and no one after reading would attempt to contradict him-the plot is founded on facts. The reader finishes the story with nothing but pity for the poor, insulted little Frenchman, brought by love to mediocrity; and is forced for a time on this one phase of life so well depicted.

With the exception of a slight hitch in the second verse, the poem entitled "Lines" runs smoothly; the thought, however, will hardly bear close scrutiny.

"A Veteran's Death" is a revival of the later Napoleonic days, when the hero himself was in exile at St. Helena, and Paris was in the hands of his most hated enemies. It is a touching story of that devotion to a great chief so common among old soldiers. Even in his leader's deepest misfortune the veteran remains faithful. Despite a somewhat sudden transition in the death scene the story is realistic and fires the reader with a thrill of martial enthusiasm.


In quite another view, yet after its manner excellent, is the story of "How I was not Married." The touch is light and graceful, and hence well adapted to the plot. There are, in the course of the story, many of the delicate turns which, when skilfully handled, always add a charm of their own. Julia's clever plot to outwit the maniac minister is a particularly happy idea.

"The Sands of Time" is gracefully written, and expresses as all true poetry, excepting, perhaps, some society verse should do, a truth. Men certainly are seldom rightly judged by human standards.

It has been urged by many, and at times in the columns of the CRIMSON, that the Advocate's province was distinctly light literature, not essays. However, by its persistancy in printing from time to time to time essays on literary subjects, the Advocate has persuaded many of its critics, and perhaps justly, that its field extends in both directions; yet without doubt it should give a decided predominance to light literature. In pursuance of this purpose, the present number has an essay on the "Meaning of Gulliver's Travels." The writer shows a thorough study of his subject, and, though his space is limited, clearly gives the reader his own conception of Swift's motives in writing his satires on English politics and society.

The Advocate's Brief completes the eighth number.
