H. A. Davis has been elected a regualr editor of the CRIMSON from '91.
Eighty-nine is soliciting offers for its shell.
The class base-ball game of yesterday was postponed on account of rain.
A new portrait of Dr. O. W. Holmes appears in the June Book Buyer.
Three records were broken at the recent spring tournament at Exeter.
The testimonial from the War Department to Miss Dorothea L. Dix for sercices rendered during the civil war has been placed in Memorial.
Next year, Prof. Bocher and Prof. Palmer will take their sabbatical year. Professor Bocher will probably spend the time in Switzerland and Italy.
At the last meeting of the faculty, the following courses were thrown open to freshmen: Music 1 (harmony); Italian 1 or Spanish 1. Hereafter, freshmen can choose more than two courses in one department if they obtain the consent of the dean.
The Glee Club elected the following officers last evening: President, G. L. Bullard, '89; vice-president, A. D. Hodges, '89; secretary, W. F. Gay, '90; treasurer, H. H. Darling, '89; assistant secretary, J. B. Embick, '91. M. A. Taylor, '89, was re-elected leader and K. S. Hackett, '91, was chosen a regular member.
Of the 1494 convicts in Joliet penitentiary, 129 are college graduates.
Judge Howland was elected president of the University Club at its last meeting.
Dr. Hale announced in chapel that the morning exercises for the next three weeks would follow the course which he roughly blocked out in his sermon on Sunday evening. The Divine Law for human life requires, first, personal purity. "The wisdom from above is first pure." For three or four days the service will follow the special instructions for bodily training. The wisdom from above is next peaceable, gentle and easy to be entreated. The instructions for Christian living, the habits of a gentle man follow on those for physical training. Lastly and chiefly, Christian ethics require active work and good fruits. The instructors for the divine order of life are not complete till they tell a man what to do. Dr. Hale said in his sermon that he had been tempted to compile a pocket testament-like Cromwell's Pocket Bible-which should contain a hundred texts arranged in this order: 1, a pure body; 2, what a man should be; 3, what he should do. These will be the lines followed in Chapel for the next three weeks.
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