

We invite all members of the University to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold surselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- I feel impelled to bring to notice through your columns the actions of a certain set of sophomores in Memorial Hall. In the matter of loud talking, boisterous behaviour, and general vulgarity of demeanor they are unexcelled. If they would only indulge in their monkey shines when there are no strangers about; but they seem to take particular delight in throwing bread, hammering on the table and cursing the waiter when there are spectators in the gallery. Just at this time the public is subjecting Harvard students to a good deal of unfavorable criticism, and it behooves us to be very careful of the impressions we give.

Now, I know that the average Harvard man is a self-contained and well-behaved individual; and, let me add, in case this should catch the eye of one of your exchanges, that the actions of these particular sophomores are a marked exception. What right have I to take my neighbors to task, to set myself up as a censor of public conduct? I am simply assuming the right of a Harvard man to express himself freely upon a matter which concerns the good name of his alma mater.
